Week 11 (16th November - 22nd November)
So, completely exhausted from my European weekend, last weekend, I returned to school. School has been a bit funny this week...not in the hilarious Jack Dee style, more in a peculiar , unusual way! Swine Flu is a word you hear a lot working in a German school (well, obviously you hear Schweinegrippe, but you get the idea)...and it's playing havoc with teachers and students' ability to turn up to school!
That said...on Tuesday, I came down with one of the worst colds I've had in a long time...it was lucky my colleague text me to say her lesson was cancelled because she was ill...I could barely get out of bed, I had a sore throat, an horrendous cough, I was lathargic (although this has been happening a lot recently - I put it down to old age). Still, I was feeling slightly better the next day, and not wanting to have jokes about ManFlu made in German about me...I went back to work...which wasn't much fun!
Still, I made gradual improvements over the week - and a week later I'm almost completely over it...just a slightly tickly cough every now and again, so nothing too terrible.
The weekend wasn't overly exciting...partly because I still wasn't feeling grrrrrrrrreat (in the words of Tony off of the Frosties advert), and partly because I'd been putting off doing my room for the last couple of weeks...and anyone that knows me will know that I'm not the tidiest of people...so I was living in a bit of a bombsite (yet another allied bombsite in Germany). Still, I did go out...we went to Metz on the train on Friday and had a very pleasant day there, doing random walks around Metz and seeing bits I'd not seen before (hard to imagine, as this was my third visit there!).
Saturday was dedicated to tidying my room...which didn't take as long as I thought it would, so I watched some DVDs as well!
Sunday was dedicated to the trains again...off to a village called Saarhoelzbach, which is the furthest point north in Saarland from Saarbruecken reachable by train! There is nothing there...so I came back and did some more work!
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