There are loads of people I'd like to thank for the things they've done during my year abroad. In no particular order (partly because I'm too tired, and partly because I'm just too damned lazy!):
- Sabine Kackert & Thomas Gross, for being my wonderful mentor teachers at Ludwigsgymnasium.
- Kerstin Wittling, for her work as my mentor teacher at the Gesamtschule Ludwisgpark
- Esther, Harriet, Claire, Jenny, Will, Tim, Greg, Lucy, Alec, and Lindsay for being my fellow English Assistants during the year; it would have been difficult to ask for a better bunch of people to spend the year with!
- All the French Assistants, and Clara for much the same reason as above!
- Niko & Priscille Halbach for being so accommodating and friendly during my time in SB/
- Anne Binkle for being a fantastic landlady, and friend!
- Anne Doktor for being a brilliant tandem partner, I learnt a lot of German through our meetings, and enjoyed our conversations greatly!
- Herr Dr. Heinz Paulus, and all the staff at Ludwigsgymnasium. You really made me feel welcome!
- Herr Stefan Doerr and all the staff at Gesamtschule-Ludwigspark. You made me feel part of a fantastic team.
- Anyone else who I met during my time over there, if I've forgotten to mention you, don't take it personally, I'm just getting old!
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