Sunday, September 20, 2009

So, the important questions first...


As I'm doing a degree in Modern Languages & European Studies, I have to spend a year of my studies abroad. Thus making my Bachelor's course 4 years, instead of the usual 3. For my Year Abroad, I'm spending the year working as a Language Assistant in a Gymnasium (Grammar School) and a Gesamtschule (Comprehensive School) in Saarbruecken.


Saarbruecken (or Saarbrücken if you've got a keyboard with a number pad) is a smallish city in the Saarland. Saarland is one of the smallest Bundeslaender in Germany, and has a history steeped in confusion over its identity. The Saarland has a unique history within Germany, seeing as it has been controlled by both Germany, France, then Germany again, then Independent (although with leanings towards France), then back to Germany again. So, are the Saarlaender German or French.....err...neither, they're Saarlaender, obviously!


Why Saarbruecken?

I chose Saarbruecken for several reasons. The primary reason is that I can go to France on a regular basis and practise my French while I'm here. Another reason was that when I told people I was thinking of coming here, they all sort of went, "where?" - and I like going to those sorts of places, which people haven't heard of and making them my own!

Why being an assistant?

That's a much easier question! In the future I want to teach Languages in a secondary school in the UK, thus being out here will give me more school experience (always helpful!), as well as allowing me to contrast the different teaching methods and school systems. Also, I get the school holidays off, and also finish at about lunchtime (win-win situation!)

So that's the basics let's move on to the story!

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